Tuesday, August 23, 2005

the only reason i would want a PDA

it would be good to have a PDA because i would be able to blog about my thoughts while they're still fresh in my mind... i had at least 2 ideas for blogs today but for some reason i can't remember what they are anymore. maybe that's why people blog so little. not because they have nothing to blog but because they forgot what they wanted to blog about

anyway i noticed that we seem to live in a society that will always be full of complaints. i think every minute or even second, somewhere there is someone complaning about something. (haha)

even i am guilty of being a complainer at times. complaining is never good. complaining is basically ranting on about some injustice or unfair thing without hearing the other side's perspective. it is so easy to assume we must be right and that we've already given it a good thought. but isn't it common to find that someone else has a totally different point of view? and more importantly, that point of view makes you realise that what you thought
was an injustice was actually perfectly logical.

there is a difference between complaining and giving negative feedback. the difference is that with negative feedback, we give the person a chance to explain himself. in the event that his explaination is flawed, we should then point out his mistakes. just because it's negative doesn't mean the feedback can't be constructive. obviously, nobody likes to hear that they made a mistake. but once the initial disappointment and regret are out of the way, you would learn from it and become a better person. nonetheless, just as a secondary point, we should not criticise people with low self-esteems too much. that may end up being counter-productive.

i am striving to complain less and listen more. it's never easy but at least i should make a start. oftentimes, i'll be pleasantly surprised to hear that i was wrong about him.

when that happens, it's one of those few times i'm actually glad to be proven wrong.