Tuesday, November 08, 2005

"guys can ask girls out, girls can only hint"

That’s the only advantage of being a guy as far as dating is concerned. If I like somebody I can happily chase and plan out what to do instead of trying to make somebody chase me. How do you make decisions and plan things when you’re always waiting for the other party to take the initiative? And worse, the guy could just be so blur he didn’t realize you liked him too. So in the end what could have become one remained as two. =P

But girls still have the advantage actually. After all, think about it the other way. If guys are all expected to take the initiative shouldn’t it mean you just have to sit and wait for him to do something? All girls have to plan is how to respond in the right manner to keep the interest in you going without appearing “cheap”. To guys that isn’t even logical… how could liking someone too much be “cheap”? but after knowing girls for some time I understand where you’re coming from… so ok go on and make yourself “expensive” haha…

In the end, girls have all the control. They are the ones who dictate how far the guy can go and guys can only patiently wait for their response to see what their next step should be.

And if girls say “ya that’s true if the guy I like happened to like me too and is daring enough to chase me. But what if the guy is too shy to admit he likes me or do something about it?”

Well, the way I see it, if the guy is not daring enough to even chase after someone he likes, I’m not sure he’s the kind of guy you really want… haha… and girls’ ideas of hinting also assume the guy likes her back so you might as well just wait for him to do something… it’s less stressful and you have all the control =P

The only problem is when a girl likes a guy so very much that she must have him even if he doesn’t like her yet. Now the girl has to chase after the guy. If that sounds weird to you, then there lies the reason it’s so difficult. It’s just weird lah…

But fret not. We live in the 21st century after all. There are many girls out there who openly chase after guys. Personally I even think that’s kinda sexy… haha.. so you can do it too…just don’t paste a photo of him on your toilet window with lipstick marks all over… that’s not sexy that’s psychotic…