Thursday, September 15, 2005


well holiday break is finally here.. ahh.. finally.. the chance to recharge my batteries, rebuild my social life and still have time to consolidate my studies. sounds like alot of things to do.. but i'll just have to work hard at it...

last saturday a dead woman's upper body was found in a discarded sports bag near orchard mrt. a few hours later, her lower body was found at macritchie reservoir. another gruesome dismembered body part murder. fortunately the deceased was still identifiable which led police to the murderess. apparently she is a foreign maid. my dad tells me it's over money. i didnt have time to read the details but ok i guess most murders in singapore are over money anyway.i even heard the foreign maid was cold blooded enough to just sms her husband like as if nothing had happened just minutes after she murdered her. talk about staying calm...

i kinda think she must be a little crazy to be so coldb blooded... it just doesn't sound normal.. but who knows.. maybe she is in fact so intellectual that she can seperate her feelings from her actions.

today was a super long day. every thurs is but ttoday was especially draining because ther lecture was certainly very hard to understand. when i reached home i couldn't bare to pick up the notes. i decided to giev my brain a rest by playing games but the game still required some thinking.. so i still feel a little mentally exhuasted..i should play xbox games instead.. those are what i call mindless stress relieving games.. i just press and hold onto the joystick and watch people getting destroyed all around me.. what's there to think? haha... but the problem is that xbox games are so mindless that i end up losing track of time...guess there's always a good and bad side to things.. sigh...guess blogging is still the best.. of course i think but it just comes from my mind straight to the key board so there is hardly anmy serious thinking involved.. feel much better now..

there's this new fast food joint called carl's junior.. been wanting to try the burgers there.. they are SO huge.. and there seems to be SO much meat... i cannot wait to dig my teeth into one of their burgers.. and their fries look so fat and golden and crisp...*slurp*....

celebrated my jc fren's bday today. she was my "bwest fwen" in jc. we really did talk alot and were very close. even now, we still have that closeness.. it's kinda strange really.. we don't exactly know what is going on with each other but it doesn't take much, if anything at all, to get the conversation going.. and once it starts.. oh boy.. we chat non-stop.. 2 hour lunch? no big deal.. we could have chatted longer and ate even slower if i didn;t have lecture at 2pm. haha.. oh and partly the reason why we became such good friends is that we were always the last 2 to finish eating.. so while the rest of the class left the canteen, the 2 of us were stil halfway through our fish and chips..haha..

had alot of fun even though we still talk so differently, she talks in chinese while i reply in english.. occasionally we sprinkle the "other language" into our setences but our conversations are still generally bilingual.. maybe if we both spoke english or chinese we could be even closer by now.. but i think as friends go, it doesn't make much difference what language we use.. fun, friendship and laughter is understandable in any language =)

that's the great thing about close friends.. even when you stop keeping in touch, you're still close. so here's to close friends.. i hope i can have just 2 in my life.. greedy aren't I? ok maybe just one.. haha..