Thursday, September 08, 2005


i don't feel like doing much work now. i always feel like i should take a break after a test no matter how short the test is. i don't feel so tired that i need to stone the whole day. but i think i'll do more relaxing stuff today like surfing the net for research materials and finishing up my lab report.

before the test today, alot of my friends were busy preparing for it. i can sense alot of people are working harder this semester. alot of my friends are attending lectures regularly and attempting questions, some even beyond the tutorial. I think it's great news for them and I am happy for them.

it seems like there's a pattern among my friends. they all felt that last semester's results weren't good enough and want to make sure they do better this time. that in itself explains how they got into NUS in the first place. people may think engineering is a dumping ground of sorts with our high intakes but you still need some potential/aptitude to get in. but i think what is most impt is the right attitude. the fact they didn't sulk over what they deemed to be poor results and just kept pushing on is very admirable.