Wednesday, September 07, 2005

" bu hui ba..."

that's what my friend sms-ed me when I skipped lecture... that's right i skipped lecture!! bet you just gave a huge "GASP!" right? everyone did... haha

my friend sms-ed me" bu hui ba... YOU? skipping lecture?".. someone else was like " eh i thought you could keep me company..but you are leaving too!"

obviously i didn't think the lecture was good enough reason for me to stay behind, especially when you consider i got a test tmrw, felt a little lethargic today ( maybe cos of medicine i took) and if i had stayed back, i would have left school right in the middle of the rush hour jam which is such a waste of time! the last time i was caught in the jam, my bus journey dragged from the usual 1 hour to 1 hr 45 mins.. so i'm not going to waste 45 mins just like that..

but i don't want any reader to think the lecturer is lousy. atcually he's rather interesting..not boring rather.. quite entertaining rather.. shows us interesting slides or funny anecdotes rather.. likes to end sentences with "rather" rather.. =P

his stories and case studies are nice to listen to but it's kinda like bed time stories.. nice to listen to but it's ok if you foget them the next morning.. at least that's what i think.. i realise that there is a point behind all these stories in that they are trying to teach us the good and bad thngs other people did in engineering design but i can read about them from the notes in less time..amd even if i didn't read the stories it would not make much difference fo now.. i may regret in the future but for now i have no regrets..

for this subject, we only have a few lectures while the rest of the time is for group work. so today was his last lecture which made it not as bad.. i really did stay for his previous lectures despite already thinking it was of little use..but today i felt so lethargic i just couldn't bring myself to stay anymore..

i am not sure if it's a good excuse but my lethargy may have had something to do with my illness. for some unknown reason, i developed a rash from sunday night right till yesterday morning. sunday night's rash was so bad i couldn't sleep because of the itch. it took me all my mental effort just to resist scratching so i could forget about calming myself down to a good night's rest. i ended up staying up till 2 am after which i decided i might as well scratch.. i thought "resisting the itch isn't helping so maybe scratching would rid the itch once and for all?" but as expected, it didn't help much.. i ended up taking a shower. that finally eased the itch for a while and i managed to catch some sleep.. but for only 4 hours because i had to wake up for school.. and if you think this is bad mon night was worst...

finally on tues i decided to quarantine myself. i didn't have school that day and i decided not to leave the house even for lunch. seeing how feeling cold made me feel better ( like taking a shower etc) i basically turned my house into an ice palace for the whole day. and the itch was gone. all the tiny bumps on my body had also subsided by then... those bumps were really quite a scary sight.. in fact, i kinda regret not taking a photo of how i looked.. just to see the shocked look on my friends' faces haha..

when i reached school today, i had only walked for a couple of minutes under the noon sun when my arms started to itch again.. by then i knew my symptoms well enough to know that if i stayed under the sun's scorching heat any longer i was going to become "lobster weixian" again.. so i rushed to the toilet, splashed water all over my arms and face and just chilled myself in the lecture theatre. my friends were asking me what was going on... i joked that "i think i'm allergic to the sun".. of course i know it's prob not true but it certainly looked that way if you saw how i was like: under sun = itch ...

imagine if that was true: if there could exist something so destructive, it can cause my skin cells to simply crumble under UV rays, causing me to itch. well, i have yet to turn my house into ice palace yet and except for the occasional itch i feel fine.. so hopefully that means everything's back to normal..

unless the real reson i feel fine for now is that the sun is down!!
