Monday, September 05, 2005


blogger server hung up on me just as i was uploading a blog... and i'm too demoralised to repeat what i said.. darn.. just when i thought my blog was quite funny..haha

to all bloggers out there, remember to copy and paste your content before you upload! =)

but that's not the only reason why there has been such a lag. have a test this thurs and a few projects here and there. plus there was a few personal commitments i had to attend to. a short period where i was ill and there was DOTA too. surprisingly i think DOTA could be motivating me to work hard!!

no joke. seeing how most games last at most an hour, which is how long my daily breaks normally last anyway, i've decided to work hard till 11 so i can play for an hour before i sleep. so everytime i feel like putting down my books i tell myself, "come on, just 2 hours more and it's DOTA time."

such short term motivations will never work... without a real purpose in life, claiming DOTA to be a reward for work will eventually mutate into an excuse to play followed by outright neglect of studies. that's how all addictions probably start. you tell yourself DOTA is just a study break until one day you find you are playing more than working.

what REALLY keeps me going in the long term and keeps my focus on the right things is my desire to be all that i can be for God. that's the best motivation of all