Tuesday, October 18, 2005

weekly update

As opposed to daily updates I think I have to stick to weekly ones. I doubt I have the time for daily updates anymore. But it was nice to know that people still read my blog. Thanks all you ardent supporters. Haha

This week I am going to focus on studying instead of projects. Those projects have taken up too much of my time so I better start studying a little.

I hardly provide any juicy gossip on this blog but this gossip is half crap so it should be quite safe to put it online, especially when it’s self–made crap.

Lately I have been thinking that some gals seem to have taken a turn of heart on me. When in the past they wouldn’t give me a look, they now seem to be quite interested in what I have to say. I realize of course they are probably just being friendly but the cheeky, egoistic side of me can’t help thinking there’s more to it than just "being friendly" muah haha…

Nonetheless that doesn’t change anything. Gone are the days when I would get “induced” into liking someone. that means liking someone just because the person likes you. That is so childish... which explains why that only happened when I was in junior college. Even then, I still think it should have ended at secondary school but considering I was from an all boy school from pri1 to sec4 I’ll give myself some leeway.

Liking someone is a funny thing. You know you could only be with a certain someone yet you always end up finding fault with that same person. When she’s not around, you think she’s too bossy/ too talkative/ or not photogenic enough. Yet you melt when you're with her/him. Maybe guys and gals aren’t that different after all. We just love to modify things, even things we like.

I’m not saying this purely from personal experience but also a collection of other’s experiences. But what does this mean? Does it mean we are not sincere? Isn’t the person we like supposed to be “PERFECT”? If so, why do we still feel like changing them? Why do we still feel like we can find someone better?

I think like anything else in this world there are always two kinds of “perfect”: one is the perfect match, the other just plain perfect. Some things fit us perfectly like an old pair of shoes. Others are just plain perfect yet we don’t feel any real need to have them like maybe a Ferrari. I like Toyota a lot even though I know there’s room for improvement. Maybe it’s the same with liking someone? Hmm… a little objectifying I know but you get the idea.

I haven’t said anything this “juicy” in this blog for a long time. It’s just to satisfy other people’s cravings really. Besides it’s not anything gossipy; just some ranting from a bored person. Haha

Oh and I am very curios to know who is reading my blog nowadays. Some people have been asking about my blog recently. Others I only just gave this address. It would be nice to see how many still bother to check. So if you read leave a tag ok? Just to satisfy my curiosity really.

a new record. one blog in 20 mins. if i can keep this up I could blog more often after all =)