Friday, May 26, 2006

the only result that matters is God's love

From now on my blogs may take a while before they are published. Not only have I been given a few more assignments, I can only publish the blog if the big boss is not around to see me logging onto the blogger website. My supervisor was warning me not to use the Internet too much. Actually, I hardly use it but maybe, back then, I didn’t care if the big boss was around. So every time the boss happened to be around, he happened to see me use the Internet.

In any case, I had best be more “tactical” from now. To be “tactical” means to be discrete in one’s work, knowing where and when to do what so as not to be caught or give people the wrong impression. I’m not sure if there exists such a definition for “tactical” or it’s just yet another singlish term I picked up while in the army. But as long as you get the picture that’s good enough.

Anyway, at least typing the blog on Microsoft Word should look official enough. So I just have to type it out first, then wait for the right moment when the boss is away to log on, publish and log out. No more blog hunting though which is a little sad. I found yobi.blogspot to be such an interesting blog. If I can find other blogs like his I would be very happy. But for now, I had best lie low and not go hunting for more interesting blogs. Besides, yobi does post often so it’s not so bad.

Today is the release of the exam results. Thank God for everything and Glory be to Him. A lot of non-Christians do not understand why God is the one who gave me the good results even when I worked hard for it; why I cannot say I earned the results through my own hard work and claim the glory for myself.

Well, God made me. So I wouldn’t even be here without Him let alone talk about exam results. And I work hard because I know I should, not because I want to earn prizes or flattery. And could I really have done well if, suddenly, a crisis happened and I had to be distracted from my studies or, worse, forced to quit school?

There are a lot of things we take for granted. I, for one, know that we have to thank God for everything we have each day. And we don’t just thank God for the good but the bad too. Well, maybe not thank Him for the bad but thank him for the growing that troubles bring and to still love Him even when things get tough and it’s hard to feel hope.

Well, it’s 530 already so it’s time to go off. Next blog will be next Monday earliest. Meantime, have a blessed weekend. Regardless of what your results are, God loves you.
And that’s really all that matters.