Wednesday, May 31, 2006

no more candy for me

I’ve been removed from my desk!

Usually that means I’m fired but thankfully that isn’t the case. A permanent staff is coming in tomorrow so I have to give up my desk for him. Why my desk when there are other empty desks around? That is because my desk is the only desk left that has a spare computer.

This of course implies that the new desk I have been assigned to has no computer.


My only source of fun (while appearing busy) is taken away from me. From now on, it’s going to be a lot tougher for me to blog. Right now, I am borrowing my friend’s computer to blog.

What is more, I no longer have any eye candy opposite my desk. At my old desk, I could steal a few peeks at her forehead. I know it sounds totally psychotic but you have to understand how bored I was. So even looking at the forehead of a somewhat pretty gal is better than staring into blank space and dozing off. Why only her forehead? Do I have some sort of forehead fetish? Well, the reason is not so perverted: I am too short to see beyond her forehead.

But it’s not just her forehead I get to see of course. Sometimes, she leaves her desk and she even takes off her coat to reveal a pair of fair, toned, shapely arms and even a tiny peek at her sculptured shoulders. Considering she’s the only girl who seems confident enough of her body to show it off, this is something I definitely look forward to every day.

And here’s the best part. We take the same bus home! And even better, we get off at the same bus stop! The bus came earlier than usual today so I almost missed it. As I boarded the bus, she gave me this smile that was like saying, “hey you made it! That’s great!”

Ok I know it’s my fantasy but I don’t get to fantasize much so patronize me ok? haha

And now I don’t get to ogle..ahem.. I mean glance at her anymore. My new desk does not face the common pathway anymore so in order to catch a glimpse of her walking by, I would probably have to rotate my head about 150 degrees or buy a reverse periscope. Somehow, I think both solutions are a bad idea. I wonder why…

And before anyone starts getting any funny ideas, I must clarify now that she is not my type. She’s really not THAT pretty. She definitely has a nice body, the kind that can actually look good in a swimsuit (which is not easy). And she has this sweet face but it ends there. Her face is eye-catching but more because she is fair and has good complexion. I wouldn’t call her very pretty. She is above average but like I said, looks don’t really matter but the impression a girl gives me. And she doesn’t give me the Samantha impression. And if she’s Karen Mok then I’m a powerpuff girl. =P I do think, however, that she does know she has a nice body and she tries to flaunt it but without making it obvious. A girl doesn’t wear sleeveless tops almost everyday unless she feels her arms and shoulders are good enough to be seen. And there are other small clues that suggest she knows the art of flaunting: which is to reveal just enough without being slutty. (she never wears low cut tops though so you can guess which part of her body she’s not particularly proud of) but you see, that’s the secret of dressing up. It’s to show all the good stuff so well that people forgot about the bad points. So I give her top marks for having a sense of style.

Oh and I have not seen Mr. Helmet for some time. His hair intrigues me less and less. So I don’t feel all that sad that I can no longer investigate the mystery of his weird hair-do.
I usually don’t blog twice in one day. But I really felt quite tired of work so I gave myself a break. Break’s over so I’m off. See you soon.