Saturday, December 03, 2005


The exams are finally over. I’ve been wanting to say that for the past month. What a relief. I can finally enjoy stoning for a while.

I realize now that stoning is a luxury I must learn to appreciate more. I am fine with working hard everyday but I don’t think it’s wise to work too hard either. Every once in a while, we really ought to do something totally brainless to let our brains take a break. Things like playing video games, eating and talking cock with friends. Oh and playing DOTA too.

I’m amazed at how others take the game so seriously. I seriously can’t be bothered about what items I should buy or who I should avoid. I just like to see the little green monsters die. Who cares if I have a killing spree?

Apparently, a lot of people do. I played DOTA for about 4 hours yesterday and every time I played badly, people were verbally bashing me left right and centre. If you just saw the words they used, you would probably have thought I was delivering a baby from the edge of the cliff or trying to wrestle with an alligator or something.

“what the *** are you doing?”
“do you know how to use this thing or not?”
“wah cow, why you never save me?”

the list goes on…

But as I said, as far I’m concerned, DOTA is just some brainless thing I do to occupy my time while I give my brain a break.

With that said, I guess I should apologise to all my virtual team mates. I’m sorry to all the thousands of electronic lives I’ve abandoned. I am so, so sorry that you weren’t able to kill a monster that comes from someone else’s imagination. I am really having sleepless nights as I am overwhelmed by the guilt of not saving a cartoon character.


Ok sarcasm is not my forte.

I enjoy the game a lot but somehow I just can’t motivate myself to score well in an electronic game as compared to real life things like exams, assignments and interviews. I wonder why….

Maybe it’s because I already pump myself up for exams and stuff that in order to have a good break from all of that, I need to do something else that I couldn’t care less about.

That is why I’m going to say the next sentence even if it is DOTA blasphemy anyway.

Who cares if we are losing?