Thursday, January 12, 2006

1st day of school

I know I know… I only bother to update you guys after the holidays have ended. But admit it-- you guys don’t check that often during the holidays either.

So there.

Today’s the 1st day of semester 6. how I would like it to be semester 8 instead. I seriously can’t wait to graduate. It’s not that NUS is some hell-hole (although I know one person who might disagree…) it’s just that I am a little tired of studying already. Maybe I really should go on some overseas trip.

It’s strange that I’m not suffering any post holiday withdrawal symptoms. Normally, I would feel weird coming to school immediately after a whole month of slacking. But it feels like I have been to school all along.

Well maybe it is because I had to come to school yesterday for a short briefing session that was really just an excuse to talk to my project mates and buy some books. Oh and I followed my friends to McDonald’s too. Apparently the fan-tastic meal is really nice. But the chicken flavour is supposedly the wiser choice =P. does anyone know why they call the fan-tastic meal with a “dash” in between fan and tastic? Is it sponsored by fann wong or something?? Or is it supposed to sound like fun-tastic?? Or am I just blind? =P

Maybe I’m not very awake today because I didn’t feel like myself early in the morning. I had this really deeeep voice and I was speaking in mostly 1 syllable words. It was kinda weird. It was so weird that even when I tried to go back to my usual crappy self, even I myself found it weird. Weird…

Get it? =P

It’s very important to have a study partner with whom you can be yourself. In fact, in any friendship this applies too. I now have a new “study buddy” but we have never been study buddies before. We just happened to take the same modules together while my other friends are either with their own cliques or they are not taking the same lecture. I feel that it’s always very polite and all between this new “seating partner” and I. However, I also feel that given time we can be a lot more open and casual with each other while retaining the “ang moh”-ness in us.

I think that’s the good thing about Chinese speaking people. Their straightforwardness may be mistaken for rudeness but I think that makes them easier to befriend as well. Whereas with ang moh pai people like me, we are always saying things like “thank you” and “please”. It doesn’t mean we feel uncomfortable with the person. We still say thank you even when we are close. But you know the feeling’s different. Hope I’m making sense. Maybe if I always hung out with ang moh pai people I wouldn’t find this weird but it’s been quite a while since I had an ang moh pai friend so it feels weird. In our defence, ang moh pai people certainly are less “rigid” once the ice is broken. I just feel that with Chinese speaking people, the ice is hardly even there in the 1st place. But if there is a bad 1st impression I think that spells the end of any friendship. Then again, isn’t that the case with anyone else?

Ok enough from me. I’m off for my jap lecture. That’s right I’m taking Japanese language as my breadth. How cool is that ya? =)

I may have to try blogging in the Japanese version of han yu pin ying very soon. I hear that’s a good way to practice one’s 3rd language. Although I’m sure you are all dreading that moment when you can’t understand a single word I’m saying…=P

Then again, I bet there are times when I wrote such cheem stuff you didn’t understand what I was saying either. =P