Sunday, July 16, 2006

couples that look anything but

I have this new system in place where I save a draft message in my mobile so I remember to blog about it later. This post is the result of that system.

I was just thinking about those couples that look anything but couples. They seem like they could not be less made for each other. You would have thought that even if he was the last man on earth, the girl would still not want him.

Yet there they are, happily together and seemingly going strong.

Nice isn’t it?

I’m going to stop here because I’m a little tired of espousing theory after theory on what I think relationships are about. Quite frankly, the truth is that I could not know anything about such things. I’ve never been in a relationship before and what other people tell me are ultimately just opinions. Nobody can really say they are true.

I can give relationship advice though. But if you ask me what makes 2 people come together, I think I can only say “Only God knows”

So, to carry on where I left off with the previous post, the truth is that if a girl has to think about whether a guy “fits the bill” before getting together with him, it’s pretty obvious she doesn’t like him from the start. Sure, you can like someone only just a little but at least it’s better than nothing. Considering whether a guy is good enough should only be done if the girl already has some feelings for him, even if they are rather small.

One can’t go all out and say “love will conquer all obstacles”. I watched a documentary where the couple were madly in love with each other and got married despite the guy being unemployed and also rather unemployable. In the end, reality took its toll and they got divorced. I think it’s more because they had 3 kids and I can’t imagine how great the financial burden must have been. But the bottom line is that realities of life do need to be considered.

So I guess ultimately, there’s a compromise between feelings and realities. But that does not mean conjuring up feelings that don’t exist or ignoring realities that are too obstructive in the relationship.