oh.. what a feeling...
an uncomfortable feeling that is... my stomach feels so bloated... drank a whole bowl of soup.. was actually looking forward to the soup but it turned out to be salty... so strange...cos my mum hardly ever gets her recipe wrong..hmm...
another thing one must never do to one's body is to drink coke IMMEDIATELY after drinking milk. i always drink milk every morning but a few weeks ago, I was having a bad sore throat. so i decided to try and gulp down a can of coke after my cup of milk. usually, drinking coke really does help to smoothe the throat. but i did not realise how badly coke would react to milk. after the 1st 3 gulps, my stomach started to churn as if some chemical reaction was taking place inside my stomach. i could even feel the bubbles bouncing around inside my stomach. but i figured it was just a minor side effect and continued to drink.
then i suddenly felt like puking. my stomach was no longer just churning. it was practically going into convulsions. once that happened, i had to stop drinking. and i also started burping.
throughout my entire 1 hour bus ride from home to school, i would burp an average of once every 5 minutes. no wonder no one wanted to sit beside me.. haha.. but at least the gas kept coming out my mouth and not from the other end of the digestive system. if that happened, i think the whole bus would have just broken down...
so unless you have a burning desire to have a bus seat all to yourself, remember: COKE AND MILK DO NOT MIX
ahh...i feel much better after saying that...